This is a post I have been meaning to make since the beginning of October, but it seems that life has been happening at one pace....EXTRA FAST!!! So anyways. Yes to those that have been asking I am pregnant with our 3rd baby........GIRL!
Poor Jeff well ok both of us. This pregnancy has been different in many areas and were convinced between my prego symptoms, friends, and my sister that we were having a boy....we were hoping Jeff really wants a boy. I have to be honest I do too.
When I was growing up...especially in high school I wanted to be married young and have 6 kids.....boys. Well so far I was married in my 20's and will be having 3 girls. Regardless I am one happy momma.
So these are the coolest ultra sounds ever. They are 3D/4D Ultra sounds that actually let you see the features of the baby. You actually get a sneak peak of what your baby will look like. HOW AWESOME IS THAT!!!!
We noticed right away with Jasmin that she had some chubby cheeks and that smirk
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This is Jasmin! Our oldest who is now 5 and in Kindergarten |
We were in love right away. Shortly after her birth (3 months after) I went to the doctors for postpartum depression. I cried at the drop of the hat, I was exhausted ALL THE TIME. At first we thought it was normal than one day Jeff looked at me and told me it was time to go figure out what was wrong. I went to the doctor and I was telling him what was going on and he gave me a pregnancy test. He told me he wanted to rule out other options before we approached the postpartum road. Well it came back positive. WHAT????!!!!!!
Are you joking me. I was so not ready for this. I went to the bank after wards to deposit a paycheck and I called Jeff. I told him the "exciting" news. He was ecstatic. (We were living with my mom at the time) He was in the garage doing a happy dance and I was in tears. I was not ready for this. Not after what the tortuous delivery that I went through (that's another story for another day). I was scared, I was still trying to figure out the entire cleft palate thing. Learning how to take care of a new born. Sure I babysat A LOT, but that is different than being responsible for a new born 24/7.
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Payeton, my now 4 year old that is a spit fire! |
We had to do a double take. We thought this has to be a joke, they look exactly the same. I asked the technician if she was using our old ultra sounds and she said no and asked us why. I said she looks exactly like my oldest!!
Even after they were born they looked identical the only way to tell them apart was to look at dates on pictures and or to look at the baby blanket. They both had BLACK hair...a full head of it. Chubby cheeks, skinny little bodies, same eyes, nose, ears, cleft palate......everything.
Now they look different Jasmin has brown hair and hazel/blue eyes, and Payeton is a mini me with blonde hair blue eyes. However, they look like twins in a lot of ways. I get asked all the time "how old are your twins?" OR "Are they twins?" It makes me laugh. Payeton is about 2 inches shorter than Jasmin if even and weighs about 15 pounds less. They body frames are a lot different. Jasmin takes after me and is very German built she is one solid girl with wide hips a big butt and thunder thighs not the demeaning kind, but the strong powerful kind--- she is my mini me in body frame size, and hair twirling between her fingers when she thinks, is nervous, or when she tries to fall asleep. Jeff will laugh at us especially when we are cuddling and we both start to twirl our hair OR she twirls mine and I twirl hers. (Focus Brendon Focus!!!)
Fast forward to beginning of this month!
So here we are again. This time the gap is a little bit bigger. We wanted to have our kids closer together, but life happened, Jeff decided he needed to go back to school to support the family, I was working on Masters Degree and there was no way we had the time or the money to throw in a 3rd baby. Once I was finished with my Masters we decided it was time. Little did we know it was going to take us an entire year to get pregnant.
So we had our first normal ultrasound and found out we are having another girl. Yes we are bummed, like I said before we were hoping for a boy, but we are just grateful that we can have more kids. Jeff and I knew we were not done at 2, but we were frustrated that we were not getting pregnant and we were beginning to wonder if we were done.
So here we go again with the 3D/4D ultra sound and OH MY GOSH!!!!!!! Can you say triple take?
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Baby Girl # 3 |
Are you doing a triple take? I sure did. As soon as I got home I started digging through my boxes of stuff to find the other girls ultra sounds and started comparing. Jeff and I both laughed that we are having 3 girls that look the same.
The most amazing part even though we will not know until the baby is born, that not only will we have 3 girls all 3 girls have cleft palates...... SURPRISE!!!!! Ok not really Jeff and I both knew that this baby had a cleft palate just like we knew with the other 2. Jasmin and Payeton's have already been repaired. But due to such a high family occurrence of the cleft palate the technician looked from a few different angles and really took her time on the mouth to see if this baby had one.
When I went in for my 3D/4D ultra sound the technician looked again and said that she can still see the cleft. But other than that everything is normal and healthy!!!!
As I was talking to the technician she said it is not an exact science, but a very educated guess science, but what we see on the ultra sound cannot be 100% confirmed until the baby is born.
Here is a better look with all 3 of them together.
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Baby Girl # 3 |
whoah that is crazy how much the same all the girls look in their ultrasounds! wow. That is exciting that you are gonna have another addition to your family. Sad day that its not a boy tho ..maybe someday! 3 girls..3 wow!