I borrowed the book Sewn With Love: Classic Patterns for Children's Clothes and Accessories by Fiona Bell. From a friend to make the Full Circle Dress that is on the front cover.
So I put it on her and she twirled and danced in it. SHE LOVED IT. She likes to grab the skirt and move it around like the flamenco dancers do in their beautiful skirts. It turned out really cute and my daughter (Jasmin) now thinks it is her princess dress. OK lets be real...every dress that I make for the girls they think it is their new princess dress.
My youngest daughter (Payeton) soon became very jealous and tried to bite the dress off Jasmin. This is not uncommon. Well the biting part is uncommon, but the jealousy part is not. I try to make 2 dresses at the same time because my girls are only 13 months apart and have the attitude of "what is yours is mine" Only they have not figured out the taking turns part yet.
So that night when we went to bed my husband looked at me and asked "When are you going to make a dress like that for Payeton?" I was in shock that he asked me. I looked back at him and said "Are you serious? You want me to make another one for Payeton? You do realize that was 5 yards of fabric, 2 hours to cut, 28 hours to put it together. You really want me to make another one?" He paused and thought carefully about his response. "You did such a good job on it and Payeton is sad that she does not have one." As I glared at him I thought he does not ask me to make things often he lets me do my own thing and he really likes. "Fine I said I will make another one, but I need help finding fabric." He agreed to go with me to Joann's. I was shocked he always finds an excuse to not to go with me.
A few weeks later we went to Joann's, and he picked out the fabric and after a few weeks of off and on working it, and throwing it across the room a couple of times I finished the dress last night and it turned out really cute. I am glad I did it. The girls wore their dresses to church today and they looked adorable.

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