Friday, April 8, 2016


Holy Schmoly where is this year going?  I was hoping to have a few counted cross stitches done, as well as a few quilts and some other "old" projects........BUT......It is now half way through April and not much to show for it!

I have 2 ORT Jars now as I seem to spend a lot of time in my van waiting for my kids to get out dance class.  So I have a traveling ORT Jar and an at home ORT Jar.

Home Jar

On The Go Jar
I have been posting my progress stitching pictures on my Instagram and it has been fun.  I have had a lot of motivation from fellow Instagramers (is that a word).  I love seeing what people are working on, their progress, and how they organize their supplies.  HOWEVER, I have seen a lot of patterns that I MUST HAVE....ok not really, but yeah I gotta have them.

Until next month!  Have fun and ORT away!

Thursday, March 10, 2016


It may not look like I have added much over the last month, but I have.  I have my stitching mojo again and it seems like all I want to do is stitch stitch stitch......I am hoping to get 5 projects done this year.  Hopefully more, but 5 is my goal.  Some of them are large projects.

Friday, February 19, 2016

Am I Broken?

I sure hope not!

I know that I am not supposed to compare myself to others, I know I am not supposed to listen to the thoughts that Satan puts in my head, I know that right now my most important job is to raise my family and set an example for my kids of a loving home and how a marriage is supposed to work, but why do I feel so lost?  Why do I feel so overwhelmed?  Why does I feel like my efforts are not making a difference?  Why is it that I loose my temper at the drop of a hat?

I know I am not the only one that feels this way, some days that brings me great comfort.  Some days I sigh a big sigh of relief because I see other moms with kids my age look overwhelmed and are frustrated with their station in life, with the state of their house, with the final NO comes out as a yell and kids sulk away and pout and say things like "your the worst mom EVER"!

HOWEVER, other days there is no comfort in those, I find no comfort when someone else's house looks like an atomic bomb went off, or when their kids had cold cereal for the 3rd night in a row for dinner, or that they are having to dig through hampers of clean clothes to find a pair socks.

Everyday I wake thinking, today is going to be different, today I am going to get my kitchen cleaned, including scrubbing the floors, today is the day that ALL my laundry will be washed folded and put away, today is the day.........(insert whatever project, goal, task that needs to be done).  However, by the time the babies lay down for their nap and I focus on a few things, like getting things ready for taxes, and the babies wake up than its time for lunch, shortly after the big kids are home from school, than it is dinner time, and than the house falls apart with whiny kids, screaming, mom it's not fair........I throw my hands up and think.  Did I get anything done other than breaking up yet another yelling fight between kids, or comfort the crawler that just got whacked in the head again with a toy by the toddler.....Why do I even try?

I know I am not broken, but more often than not I feel broken, I feel lost, I feel that my efforts do not amount to anything, I feel like I am setting a bad example for my girls, I feel like I am loosing the battle, I feel all alone!

Friday, February 12, 2016

February ORT

Well, I took the picture on time and posted it to my Instagram account, but for some reason I am late posting it here......4 kids and a crazy week have nothing to do with it.........but here it is.  I have been working on 7 or 8 different stichings and normally I like to post my progress too....but not this month.

So I have been cleaning out my extra floss as well as organizing floss for projects.  I have a gallon size bag of the extra left over floss from projects and from people giving me floss.  It's insane and I am trying to figure out what to do with it all.....any ideas?

If you are wondering what a TUSAL and ORT's are follow this link and to learn about it and join the fun.

Sunday, January 10, 2016


Last year I took some time off from participating, life got the best of me, but this year I am determined to get a few stitchings crossed off my list.  So here is to the first month!!!

I wish I could say I have been stitching that much, but I was cleaning up my stitching bag and this is floss that was crumbling as I touched so I shoved it in my jar.....

Here is my progress on a project that I am hoping to have finished soon!